C. J. Brinker, Distinguished and Regent’s Professor, Emeritus

Over his thirty five year career at Sandia and UNM, Dr. Brinker has made numerous pioneering contributions to processing, characterization, and understanding of porous and composite nanostructured materials. Moreover, using this body of materials synthesis approaches, Jeff developed new classes of nanoparticle-based therapeutics for treatment of cancer and rare and infectious diseases. Furthermore he was one of the first to recognize and champion the need for multidisciplinary materials research, actively engaging chemists in materials science.
Please see C.J. Brinker Bio.
Research Spotlight
Nature Materials

- Ashley, C.E., Carnes, E.C., Phillips, G.K., Padilla, D., Durfee, P.N., Brown, P.A., Hanna, T.N., Liu, J., Phillips, B., Carter, M.B. and Carroll, N.J., 2011. The targeted delivery of multicomponent cargos to cancer cells by nanoporous particle-supported lipid bilayers. Nature materials 10, no. 5 (2011): 389.
Advanced Materials

- Wei Zhu, Jimin Guo, Yi Ju, Rita E Serda, Jonas G Croissant, Jin Shang, Eric Coker, Jacob Ongudi Agola, Qi‐Zhi Zhong, Yuan Ping, Frank Caruso, C Jeffrey Brinker. "Modular Metal–Organic Polyhedra Superassembly: From Molecular‐Level Design to Targeted Drug Delivery. Advanced Materials",. Advanced Materials 2019,, p.1806774.
UNM News

- Bryan Kaehra,b,1, Jason L. Townsonb, Robin M. Kalinicha, Yasmine H. Awadb, B. S. Swartzentruberc, Darren R. Dunphyb, and C. Jeffrey Brinkera,b. Cellular complexity captured in durable silica biocomposites Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012
Press Releases

Distinguished & Regent’s Prof. Emeritus Brinker: Keynote Speaker at the 17th Annual Conference on FOUNDATIONS OF NANOSCIENCE: SELF-ASSEMBLED ARCHITECTURES AND DEVICES (FNANO20)
May 6, 2020
This is a yearly conference on the foundations of nanoscience, maintaining the highest scientific standards and providing many opportunities for discussion and informal exchange of information and questions. Key topics include experimental and theoretical studies of self-assembled architectures and devices, at scales ranging from nano-scale to meso-scale. Self-assembly is a central but not exclusive theme: the conference covers a broad range of research into synthetic and natural nanoscale structures, devices and systems.
Paulina Naydenkov won first place in New Mexico STEM Research Challenge
April 28, 2020
Paulina Naydenkov won first place in New Mexico STEM Research Challenge and second place in the 2020 Junior Science and Humanities Regional Symposia (JSHS):
Congratulations to Brinker Group Members 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Recipients
April 20, 2020
Two of Brinkers Research Group members recieve 2020 NSF Graduate Fellowship Award