
Sandia National Laboratory
For more than 60 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation's most challenging security issues. Sandia National Laboratories is operated and managed by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Sandia Corporation operates Sandia National Laboratories as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and supports numerous federal, state, and local government agencies, companies, and organizations.

The University of New Mexico
The mission of the University of New Mexico is to serve as New Mexico’s flagship institution of higher learning through demonstrated and growing excellence in teaching, research, patient care, and community service.

UNM Chemical and Biological Engineering
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers ABET-accredited bachelor of science, master of science, and doctor of philosophy degrees. Our students are on the forefront of rapidly developing areas that include biotechnology and biomedicine, semiconductor manufacturing and data storage devices, and advanced materials with precisely-controlled microstructures.

UNM Center for Micro Engineerred Materials
The UNM Center for Micro-Engineered Materials (UNM CMEM) serves as a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM. The research performed by the UNM CMEM faculty is highly leveraged because of close collaboration with research scientists from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the Sandia Center for Integrated Nanotechnology (CINT). The mission of UNM CMEM is to provide a focal point for materials science research and education at UNM.

UNM Cancer Center
UNM Cancer Center's mission is to provide world-class care to all New Mexicans affected by cancer. Last year alone, we saw more than 10,000 patients from every county in New Mexico. We treat about 60 percent of New Mexico’s adults and nearly all of the state’s children diagnosed with cancer. Our team of cancer experts is the largest and most experienced in New Mexico: we’re home to 102 board certified oncologists and 132 cancer scientists recruited from some of the nation’s leading institutions.