April News
Recent News

Brinker elected as Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
April 19, 2018
"This is an extremely prestigious honor, which recognizes the groundbreaking scientific work that Jeff has for many years been involved with at both UNM and through his joint appointment with Sandia National Laboratories," said Christos Christodoulou, Jim and Ellen King Dean of Engineering and Computing.

President Stokes visits the School of Engineering
April 16, 2018
The University of New Mexico’s president, Garnett Stokes, visited the School of Engineering on Friday afternoon (April 13), meeting with School leadership and touring several labs.

Biologically inspired membrane purges coal-fired smoke of greenhouse gases
April 11, 2018
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A biologically inspired membrane intended to cleanse carbon dioxide almost completely from the smoke of coal-fired power plants has been developed by scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico.